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I am an associate member of the UMR5608 - TRACES, my research within the PSH Team: Premières sociétés holocènes : innovation, anthropisation et complexification.

Since 2008, I have been working on the theme ‘From the Neolithic to complex societies in the Near East, the Nile Valley and the Horn of Africa’ with the team working on Predynastic Egypt. For more details on my work, please consult my Academia page, the laboratory directory or the references on HAL.

My career history in a few dates:
2022-2024 : Post-doc at Institut für égyptologie Université Wien (Austria)
2016: Creation of my own company and contracts in preventive and programmed archaeology
2015: PhD in Archaeology, EHESS, Toulouse
2008: Master's degree in Arts and Culture of Prehistory, EHESS, Toulouse
2007: First contracts in preventive archaeology
2006: Master's degree in Archaeomatics, Université F. Rabelais, Tours
2005: Master's degree in Archaeology, Université Lumière- Lyon2, Lyon
2003: First contracts in programmed archaeology
2003: Bachelor degree in Archaeology, Université Lumière- Lyon2, Lyon
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